* 17.081879 Lausanne (Switzerland)
1919-1920 Secretary of IFOR
1920-1934 Organizing SCI workcamps
1924-1926 Secretary of Swiss peace office
1934-1937 Volunteer in India
+ 23.10.1945 Le Daley (Switzerland)
First SCI workcamp in Esnes near Verdun. Building accommodation for the war damaged village (1920/21).
Pierre Ceresole and the volunteers in La Garde in Southern France. City, which was damaged by flood (1932).
Cleaning work after avalanche in Safien, a mountain village in Switzerland (1932).
Coordinator in workcamp in Sonahati (Bihar, India). Reconstruction after after earth quake (1935).
Sources in SCI Archives
Daniel Anet : Pierre Ceresole, La passion pour la Paix, Neuchâtel (1969)
Daniel Anet : Pierre Ceresole, Passionate Peacemaker, E.Best , Madras (1974)
Alfred Bietenholz Gerhard : Pierre Cersole – ein Kämpfer für Wahrheit und Freiheit. Bad Pyrmont (1962)
10101 Publications written by and on Pierre Ceresole, 1903 – 1934
10102 Publications written by and on Pierre Ceresole, 1935 – 1940
10103 Publications written by and on Pierre Ceresole, 1941 – 1950
10104 Publications written by and on Pierre Ceresole, 1951 – 1961
10105 Publications written by and on Pierre Ceresole, 1962 – 1979
10106 Publications written by and on Pierre Ceresole, 1980 –
10109 Publications by P.Ceresole and on SCI in volumes “Nie wieder Krieg”, 1923 – 1928
10110 Publications by P.Ceresole and on SCI in volumes “Nie wieder Krieg”, 1929 – 1937
10111 Exchange of letters of P.Ceresole with SCI-members, 1924 – 1946
Publications on Alternative Service
30240A.04 Amberg, P.Ceresole, K. von Greyerz, T.Ragaz : Dienstverweigerung und Zivildienst. Zurich, Lausanne (1924)
30240A.07 P.Ceresole : Religion et Service, Traduction de l’article publié par “The Friend” à Londres le 21 octobre 1938.
30240A.08 P.Ceresole, Paul Trautvetter : Notre responsabilité, Mémoire adressé à la Cour de cassation pénale fédérale le 15 août 1940.
30240A.09 Arnold Bolle : Plaidoirie devant le Tribunal de Neuchâtel concernant l’intervention de Pierre Ceresole le Vendredi-Saint 1941.